If there is a question not listed here that you would like answered,
please send it to:
sustainablesound@gmail.com. Thank you!
How much does instruction cost?
Individual lessons are $30 / half hour, or $50/hour.
Skype ukulele lessons are $50 for 45 minutes
Group lessons are $15/ per hour per person, for 4-8 people. (You and your friends are invited to create your own group. However, it is important that you be of similar skill level for this to work well. Parent/child pairs, couples, and 2 friends are welcome to take at the individual lesson rate.)
Do I have to bring my own ukulele?
If you are taking private lessons, I can bring an ukulele for you to use if you do not have your own. (*Let me know in advance so that I bring one.) However, you will learn faster and progress further if you are able to practice at home during the week, so it is highly recommended that you do purchase or borrow an ukulele.
How much experience do I need to have?
For beginner lessons, none! Zero! Nada! Just show up with a smile :)
For advanced beginner / intermediate and ‘jamming’ classes, I recommend that you already know how to play the C, F, G, D, and A chords. If you’d like to get up to speed and join a jam group quickly, I can teach you these chords alone in an individual ‘Start-Up’ lesson.
Can I purchase ukulele lessons for my
friend / child / spouse?
Yes! Please contact me to do so: 530 424-8UKE (8853) or
sustainablesound ‘at’ gmail ‘dot’ com. I can send you a gift certificate, and invoice you through paypal.
How many people are in the group?
Groups are made of up 4-8 people who are at similar skill levels.
Can I form my own group?
Yes! (In fact, that is the only way group lessons are currently scheduled.) If you and your friends and family would like to take classes together, we can make that happen! Class size is limited to 9 students. Group classes must be purchased in advance, and run for 5 to10 weeks at a time, depending on skill level.
When does the group meet?
Most groups will meet once a week, on a scheduled weeknight from 6:00-6:50pm.
Can I try one class and see if I like it?
Yes... and No. Individual Lessons are $30 / half hour or $50/ hour - you are welcome to schedule one lesson to see whether or not you would like to continue.
Group lessons for adults are currently only taking place when a group of committed people wants to create their own group instruction time.
Frequently Asked Questions: